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尹帅 讲师

发布时间:2018-06-26 20:51:23 作者:英国立博ladbrokes 来源:本站原创 浏览次数:





1) 2012-2013:《塔中及麦盖提地区储层地应力研究》,横向,中国石化西北局,骨干

2) 2013-2014:《新场构造须五段地应力场裂缝与压裂优化设计》,横向,中国石化西南油气田分公司,骨干

3) 2014-2015:《固县井区缝网改造技术研究》(编号:HBYT-MCQGS-2014-JS-199),横向,山西煤层气勘探开发分公司,负责人

4) 2014-2015:《沁水盆地南部石炭-二叠系构造模型与控气作用研究》(编号:HBYT-YJY-2015-JS-4),纵向,中国石油华北油田,负责人

5) 2015-2016:《准噶尔盆地重点地段中新生代开合构造演化与成铀作用研究》,横向,核工业北京地质研究院,负责人

6) 2016-2017:《定边油田水平井井网适应性研究》,(编号:YT0216QTY0094),横向,延长油田研究院,负责人

7) 2016.12-2020.12:国家科技重大专项专题《致密油有效开发机理与关键技术》(编号:2016ZX05046-003-001),纵向,中国石油勘探开发研究院,负责人

8) 2017.06-2019.06:《苏里格气区气水分布关系与天然气富集规律》,横向,长庆油田分公司勘探开发研究院,参加

9) 2017.09-2018.09:《鄂尔多斯盆地东缘致密气成藏机理与控制因素分析》,横向,中海石油(中国)有限公司非常规油气分公司,参加

10) 2017.09-2019.09:《复杂构造区海陆过渡相煤系致密砂岩储层裂缝综合定量表征及分布预测研究》,山东省沉积成矿作用与沉积矿产重点实验室开放基金项目(暨刘宝珺地学青年科学基金),编号DMSM2017081,主持

11) 2017.12-2019.12:《强变形区海陆过渡相煤系致密砂岩储层三维建模及裂缝甜点预测研究》,西安石油大学青年科技创新基金项目,主持

12) 2018.06-2020.06:《鄂尔多斯盆地东缘低幅构造区上古生界致密砂岩气藏裂缝控气模式研究》,中国地质大学构造与油气资源教育部重点实验室开放基金项目,编号TPR-2018-06,主持


近5年来以第一作者或通讯作者在《Marine and Petroleum Geology》、《Geological Magazine》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》、《地学前缘》、《岩土力学》、《天然气地球科学》等国、内外SCI、EI、中文核心等学术期刊上发表学术论文50余篇。

[1] Yin, S., Ding, W.L., Zhou, W., Shan, Y.M., Wang, R.Y., Liu, J.J., Gu, Y., 2016. Logging assessment of tight clastic rock reservoir fractures via the extraction of effective pore aspect ratios: A case study of Lower Permian strata in the Southern Qinshui Basin of Eastern China.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 36, 597-616. (SCI,IF=2.045)

[2] Yin, S., Ding, W.L., Shan, Y.M., Zhou, W., Wang, R.Y., Zhou, X.H., Ang Li, Jianhua He., 2016. A new method for assessing Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio in tight interbedded clastic reservoirs without a shear wave time difference, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 36, 267-279. (SCI,IF=2.045)

[3] Yin, S., Ding, W.L., 2018. Evaluation indexes of coalbed methane accumulation in the strong deformed strike-slip fault zone considering tectonics and fractures: A 3D geomechanical simulation study.Geological Magazine, 155, 1-17. (SCI,IF= 2.341).

[4] Yin, S., Ding, W.L., Zhou,W., Shan, Y.M., Xie, R.C., Guo, C.H., Cao, X.Y., Wang, R.Y., Wang, X.H., 2017. In situ stress field evaluation of deep marine tight sandstone oil reservoir: A case study of Silurian strata in northern Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, NW China.Marine and Petroleum Geology, 80(1), 49-69.(SCI,IF=2.888)

[5] Yin, S., Zhou, W., Shan, Y.M., Ding, W.L., Xie, R.C., Guo, C.H., 2017. Assessment of the geostress field of deep-thick gypsum cap rocks: A case study of Paleogene Formation in the southwestern Tarim Basin, NW China.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 154, 76-90. (SCI,IF=1.873)

[6] Yin, S., Zhao, J.Z., Wu, Z.H., Ding, W.L., 2018. Strain energy density distribution of a tight gas sandstone reservoir in a low-amplitude tectonic zone and its effect on gas well productivity: A 3D FEM study.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 170, 1-16. (SCI,IF=2.382)

[7] Yin, S., Lv, D.W., Ding, W.L., 2018. New method for assessing microfracture stress sensitivity in tight sandstone reservoirs based on acoustic experiments.International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(4), 1-16.(SCI,IF=2.332)

[8] Yin, S., Lv, D.W., Jin, L., Ding, W.L., 2018. Experimental analysis and application of the effect of stress on continental shale reservoir brittleness.Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15(2),478-494. (SCI,IF= 1.411).

[9] Yin, S., Jia, Q., Ding, W.L., 2018. 3D paleotectonic stress field simulations and fracture prediction for marine-continental transitional facies forming a tight-sandstone reservoir in a highly deformed area.Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15, 1214-1230.(SCI,IF=1.411)

[10] Yin, S., Lv, D.W., Wu, Z.H., Ding, W.L., 2018. Assemblage of strike-slip faults and tectonic stretching and convergence analysis: A case study of a Lower Permian commercial coal reservoir in China.Journal of Earth System Science, 127, 1-15. (SCI,IF=0.89)

[11] Yin, S., Li, A.R., Jia, Q., Ding, W.L., Li, Y.X., 2018. Numerical simulation of the in situ stress in a high-rank coal reservoir and its effect on coal-bed methane well productivity.Interpretation, 2018, 6(2), 1-11. (SCI,IF= 0.937)

[12] Yin, S., Xie, R.C., 2018. Experimental analysis of dynamic and static mechanical properties of deep thick anhydrite cap rocks under high-stress conditions.Carbonates and Evaporites, 1-17 . (SCI,IF=0.947)

[13] Yin, S., 2017. Molecular dynamics of methane adsorption in shale.Petroleum Science and Technology, 2017, 35(21): 2080-2086.(SCI,IF=0.67)


担任《Marine and Petroleum Geology》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Geologcal Magzine》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《Petroleum Science》、《Fractals》、《Interpretation》、《Carbonates and Evaporites》等国际期刊审稿人。被石油地质主流期刊《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》评为优秀审稿人。

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